High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), the main ingredient in most soft drinks throughout the world, increases your triglyceride levels and your LDL (bad) cholesterol. These effects only occurred in the study participants who drank fructose -- not glucose.
Consumption of beverages containing fructose rose 135 percent between 1977 and 2001. Food and beverage manufacturers began switching their sweeteners from sucrose (table sugar) to corn syrup in the 1970s when they discovered that HFCS was not only cheaper to make, it was also much sweeter (processed fructose is nearly 20 times sweeter than table sugar), a switch that has drastically altered the American diet.
In 1966, sucrose made up 86 percent of sweeteners. Today, 55 percent of sweeteners used are made from corn.
Dr Mercola's Comments
In case you forgot, or never knew in the first place, the number one source of calories in the US is high fructose corn syrup. Let me say that in different words so you more fully appreciate the impact of this fact. Remember that fat has 250% more calories than sugar, but even with this major disadvantage, the food that most people get MOST of their calories from is sugar from corn, primarily in the form of soft drinks.
Even though I have known this for years, it is still shocking to me every time I reflect on the enormity of this truth. But, like W. Clement Stone, I believe that there is a nugget of good in this horrible fact. The good is that stopping this pernicious habit is one of the easiest things to do. Since this is such a pervasive problem in the US, we could make radically outrageous improvements in our health as a culture if we just simply stopped everyone from drinking soda.
I am HIGHLY confident that the health improvement would be FAR more profound than if everyone stopped smoking because elevated insulin levels are the foundation of nearly every chronic disease known to man, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, aging, arthritis, osteoporosis, you name it, and you will find elevated insulin levels as a primary factor.
This evidence of an increase in triglyceride levels and LDL (bad) cholesterol levels is just the latest among countless findings pointing to the dangers of High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS).
Part of what makes HFCS such an unhealthy product is that it is metabolized to fat in your body far more rapidly than any other sugar, and, because most fructose is consumed in liquid form, its negative metabolic effects are significantly magnified.
HFCS has also been linked to:
* Diabetes
* Obesity
* Metabolic Syndrome
The delusion that fructose is an acceptable form of sugar is quite prevalent in many nutritional circles. In fact, nearly all simple sugars are metabolized quickly and disrupt insulin levels, which contributes to most chronic illness. Eating small amounts of whole fruit will not provide tremendous amounts of fructose and should not be a problem for most people, unless diabetes or obesity is an issue but fruit juices, sodas and other beverages sweetened with fructose should be avoided.
To add insult to injury, the corn that the high fructose corn syrup is metabolized from nearly all comes from genetically modified corn which is fraught with its own well documented side effects and health concerns.
High fructose corn syrup is is not something that should be in your diet at all. But HFCS is the primary caloric sweetener in U.S. soft drinks. Researchers estimate that most Americans eat 132 calories of HFCS per day, while the top 20 percent of sweetener consumers eat over 300. And some, they say, eat as much as 700 calories per day of HFCS.
-thanks to the organic consumers association
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Eat This, Not That Article by David Zinczenko
Two out of three people in America today are either overweight or obese. That means every time you sit down in an airplane or a packed movie theater, more likely than not you’re going to wind up as the lean center of a fat sandwich. But as you look right and left and see nothing but heft, you can’t help but think, What happened?
How did we all get so darn fat?
Well, the simple answer is that we eat more calories. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that American men eat 7 percent more calories than they did in 1971; American women eat a whopping 18 percent more—an additional 335 calories a day! But the harder question is this: Why do we eat so many more calories? Are we suddenly more gluttonous? Do we have some kind of collective death wish? Is the entire country hellbent on qualifying for the next season of Biggest Loser?
No. There’s an even crazier reason: It’s the food!
We’ve added extra calories to traditional foods, often in cheap, mass-produced vehicles like high fructose corn syrup. These new freak foods are designed not by chefs, but by lab technicians packing every morsel with maximum calories at minimum cost—with little or no regard to dietary impact. Indeed, Eat This, Not That! 2011 has uncovered the truth about some of your favorite fast food and grocery store items and how they're causing you to pack on unnecessary pounds. It’s enough to kill your appetite, which—in these cases, anyway—would be a good thing.
Bonus Tip: Don't miss our year-end walk down The Restaurant Hall of Shame: The 20 Worst Foods of 2010!
The great American staple. Don’t worry, burgers really do come from cows—but have you ever wondered how those giant chains process and distribute so much meat so cheaply? And . . . are you sure you want to know?
The Truth: Most fast-food hamburger patties begin their voyage to your buns in the hands of a company called Beef Products. The company specializes in taking slaughterhouse trimmings—heads and hooves and the like—that are traditionally used only in pet food and cooking oil, and turning them into patties. The challenge is getting this byproduct meat clean enough for human consumption, as both E. coli and salmonella like to concentrate themselves in the fatty deposits.
The company has developed a process for killing beef-based pathogens by forcing the ground meat through pipes and exposing it to ammonia gas—the same chemical you might use to clean your bathroom. Not only has the USDA approved the process, but it's also allowed those who sell the beef to keep it hidden from their customers. At Beef Products’ behest, ammonia gas has been deemed a “processing agent” that need not be identified on nutrition labels. Never mind that if ammonia gets on your skin, it can cause severe burning, and if it gets in your eyes, it can blind you. Add to the gross-out factor the fact that after moving through this lengthy industrial process, a single beef patty can consist of cobbled-together pieces from different cows from all over the world—a practice that only increases the odds of contamination.
Eat This Instead: Losing weight starts in your own kitchen, by using the same ingredients real chefs have relied on since the dawn of the spatula. (Here are the 15 best dishes for quick and easy weight loss.) If you’re set on the challenge of eating fresh, single-source hamburger, pick out a nice hunk of sirloin from the meat case and have your butcher grind it up fresh. Hold the ammonia.
We’ve all been there before: A big bowl of lettuce or a steamy baked potato is set before us and the sudden desire for a bit of smoky, porky goodness pervades. We try to resist, but we grab for the bottle anyway: Mmmmm . . . bacon.
The Truth: Not quite. If it’s Bac-Os you grab for, just know that there’s not the slightest whiff of anything pork-like to be found in the bottle. So what are those little chips you’ve been shaking over your salads? Well, mostly soybeans. The bulk of each Bac-O is formed by tiny clumps of soy flour bound with trans-fatty, partially hydrogenated soybean oil and laced with artificial coloring, salt, and sugar. The result is a product that’s actually less healthy for your heart than the real thing!
Eat This Instead: Hormel makes a product called Real Bacon Bits, and as the name implies, it’s made with real bacon. And gram-for-gram, the real bacon actually has fewer calories than Betty Crocker’s Bac-Os. If Hormel can make a nutritionally superior product using real bacon, then why would you ever choose the artificial one that’s loaded with partially hydrogenated soybean oil?
When you buy bean dip, you expect it to be made from beans. And when you buy guacamole, it seems reasonable to expect it to be made from avocados. But is it?
The Truth: Most guacamoles with the word “dip” attached to the label suffer from a lack of real avocado. Take Dean’s Guacamole, for example. This guacamole dip is composed of less than 2 percent avocado; the rest of the green goo is a cluster of fillers and chemicals, including modified food starch, soybean oils, locust bean gum, and food coloring. Dean’s is not alone in this offense. In fact, this avocado caper was brought to light when a California woman filed a lawsuit against Kraft after she noticed “it just didn’t taste avocadoey.”
Eat This Instead: Avocados are loaded with fiber and heart-healthy monounsaturated fats. Trading the good stuff in for a bunch of fillers is cheating both your belly and your tastebuds. Either look for the real stuff (Wholly Guacamole makes a great guac), or mash up a bowl yourself. Scoop out the flesh of two avocados, combine with two cloves of minced garlic, a bit of minced onion, the juice of one lemon, chopped cilantro, one medium chopped tomato, and a pinch of salt.
Bonus Tip: Unlike packaged-food manufacturers, fast-food and sit-down restaurants don't typically rely on chemicals to enhance flavor. Instead, they pack in sugar and sodium, calorie counts be damned. Beware of The 10 Worst Fast Food Meals in America!
It seems like the ideal breakfast or snack for a man or woman on the go—a perfect combination of yogurt and antioxidant-packed fruits, pulled together in one convenient little cup. But are these low-calorie dairy aisle staples really so good for you?
The Truth: While the yogurt itself offers stomach-soothing live cultures and a decent serving of protein, the sugar content of these seemingly healthy products is sky-high. The fruit itself is swimming in thick syrup—so much of it, in fact, that high-fructose corn syrup (and other such sweeteners) often shows up on the ingredients list well before the fruit itself. And these low-quality refined carbohydrates are the last thing you want for breakfast—Australian researchers found that people whose diets were high in carbohydrates had lower metabolisms than those who ate proportionally more protein. Not to mention, spikes in your blood sugar can wreck your short-term memory, according to a study in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Not what you need just before your urgent 9 a.m. meeting with the boss!
Eat This Instead: Plain Greek-style yogurt, mixed with real blueberries. We like Oikos and Fage brands—they’re jacked with about 15 to 22 grams of belly-filling protein, so they’ll help you feel satisfied for longer. And blueberries are another great morning add—scientists in New Zealand found that when they fed blueberries to mice, the rodents ate 9 percent less at their next meal.
Bonus Tip: Daily e-mails (or tweets) that contain weight-loss advice remind you of your goals and help you drop pounds, according to Canadian researchers. We're partial to our own Eat This, Not That! newsletter, and to the instant weight-loss secrets you'll get when you follow me on Twitter (twitter.com/davezinczenko).
Pork bacon’s got a bad rap for wreaking havoc on your cholesterol. But is turkey bacon really any better?
The Truth: Stick with the pig. As far as calories go, the difference between “healthy” turkey bacon and “fatty” pig is negligible—and depending on the slice, turkey might sometimes tip the scales a touch more. Additionally, while turkey is indeed a leaner meat, turkey bacon isn’t made from 100 percent bird: One look at the ingredients list will show a long line of suspicious additives and extras that can’t possibly add anything of nutritional value. And finally, the sodium content of the turkey bacon is actually higher than what you’ll find in the kind that oinks—so if you’re worried about your blood pressure, opting for the original version is usually the smarter move.
Eat This Instead: Regular bacon. We like Hormel Black Label and Oscar Mayer Center Cut bacon for some low-cal, low-additive options.
Nothing makes a PB&J feel less indulgent like a scoop of low-fat Jif. It’s low fat, so it must be better for you . . . right?
The Truth: A tub of reduced-fat peanut butter indeed comes with a fraction less fat than the full-fat variety—they’re not lying about that. But what the food companies don’t tell you is that peanut oil—the fat in peanut butter—is a heart-healthy monounsaturated fat that can actually help fight weight gain, heart disease and diabetes! Instead, they’ve tried to cash in on the “low-fat” craze by replacing that healthy fat with maltodextrin, a carbohydrate used as a filler in many processed foods. This means you’re trading the healthy fat from peanuts for empty carbs, double the sugar, and a savings of a meager 10 calories.
Eat This Instead: The real stuff: no oils, fillers, or added sugars. Just peanuts and salt. Smucker’s Natural fits the bill, as do many other peanut butters out there. We especially like Peanut Butter & Co. Original Smooth Operator and Original Crunch Time.
Bonus Tip: The average American drinks 450 calories a day—a quarter of the calories you're supposed to consume during an entire day! Beware of The 20 Worst Drinks in America, 2010 Edition.
How did we all get so darn fat?
Well, the simple answer is that we eat more calories. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that American men eat 7 percent more calories than they did in 1971; American women eat a whopping 18 percent more—an additional 335 calories a day! But the harder question is this: Why do we eat so many more calories? Are we suddenly more gluttonous? Do we have some kind of collective death wish? Is the entire country hellbent on qualifying for the next season of Biggest Loser?
No. There’s an even crazier reason: It’s the food!
We’ve added extra calories to traditional foods, often in cheap, mass-produced vehicles like high fructose corn syrup. These new freak foods are designed not by chefs, but by lab technicians packing every morsel with maximum calories at minimum cost—with little or no regard to dietary impact. Indeed, Eat This, Not That! 2011 has uncovered the truth about some of your favorite fast food and grocery store items and how they're causing you to pack on unnecessary pounds. It’s enough to kill your appetite, which—in these cases, anyway—would be a good thing.
Bonus Tip: Don't miss our year-end walk down The Restaurant Hall of Shame: The 20 Worst Foods of 2010!
The great American staple. Don’t worry, burgers really do come from cows—but have you ever wondered how those giant chains process and distribute so much meat so cheaply? And . . . are you sure you want to know?
The Truth: Most fast-food hamburger patties begin their voyage to your buns in the hands of a company called Beef Products. The company specializes in taking slaughterhouse trimmings—heads and hooves and the like—that are traditionally used only in pet food and cooking oil, and turning them into patties. The challenge is getting this byproduct meat clean enough for human consumption, as both E. coli and salmonella like to concentrate themselves in the fatty deposits.
The company has developed a process for killing beef-based pathogens by forcing the ground meat through pipes and exposing it to ammonia gas—the same chemical you might use to clean your bathroom. Not only has the USDA approved the process, but it's also allowed those who sell the beef to keep it hidden from their customers. At Beef Products’ behest, ammonia gas has been deemed a “processing agent” that need not be identified on nutrition labels. Never mind that if ammonia gets on your skin, it can cause severe burning, and if it gets in your eyes, it can blind you. Add to the gross-out factor the fact that after moving through this lengthy industrial process, a single beef patty can consist of cobbled-together pieces from different cows from all over the world—a practice that only increases the odds of contamination.
Eat This Instead: Losing weight starts in your own kitchen, by using the same ingredients real chefs have relied on since the dawn of the spatula. (Here are the 15 best dishes for quick and easy weight loss.) If you’re set on the challenge of eating fresh, single-source hamburger, pick out a nice hunk of sirloin from the meat case and have your butcher grind it up fresh. Hold the ammonia.
We’ve all been there before: A big bowl of lettuce or a steamy baked potato is set before us and the sudden desire for a bit of smoky, porky goodness pervades. We try to resist, but we grab for the bottle anyway: Mmmmm . . . bacon.
The Truth: Not quite. If it’s Bac-Os you grab for, just know that there’s not the slightest whiff of anything pork-like to be found in the bottle. So what are those little chips you’ve been shaking over your salads? Well, mostly soybeans. The bulk of each Bac-O is formed by tiny clumps of soy flour bound with trans-fatty, partially hydrogenated soybean oil and laced with artificial coloring, salt, and sugar. The result is a product that’s actually less healthy for your heart than the real thing!
Eat This Instead: Hormel makes a product called Real Bacon Bits, and as the name implies, it’s made with real bacon. And gram-for-gram, the real bacon actually has fewer calories than Betty Crocker’s Bac-Os. If Hormel can make a nutritionally superior product using real bacon, then why would you ever choose the artificial one that’s loaded with partially hydrogenated soybean oil?
When you buy bean dip, you expect it to be made from beans. And when you buy guacamole, it seems reasonable to expect it to be made from avocados. But is it?
The Truth: Most guacamoles with the word “dip” attached to the label suffer from a lack of real avocado. Take Dean’s Guacamole, for example. This guacamole dip is composed of less than 2 percent avocado; the rest of the green goo is a cluster of fillers and chemicals, including modified food starch, soybean oils, locust bean gum, and food coloring. Dean’s is not alone in this offense. In fact, this avocado caper was brought to light when a California woman filed a lawsuit against Kraft after she noticed “it just didn’t taste avocadoey.”
Eat This Instead: Avocados are loaded with fiber and heart-healthy monounsaturated fats. Trading the good stuff in for a bunch of fillers is cheating both your belly and your tastebuds. Either look for the real stuff (Wholly Guacamole makes a great guac), or mash up a bowl yourself. Scoop out the flesh of two avocados, combine with two cloves of minced garlic, a bit of minced onion, the juice of one lemon, chopped cilantro, one medium chopped tomato, and a pinch of salt.
Bonus Tip: Unlike packaged-food manufacturers, fast-food and sit-down restaurants don't typically rely on chemicals to enhance flavor. Instead, they pack in sugar and sodium, calorie counts be damned. Beware of The 10 Worst Fast Food Meals in America!
It seems like the ideal breakfast or snack for a man or woman on the go—a perfect combination of yogurt and antioxidant-packed fruits, pulled together in one convenient little cup. But are these low-calorie dairy aisle staples really so good for you?
The Truth: While the yogurt itself offers stomach-soothing live cultures and a decent serving of protein, the sugar content of these seemingly healthy products is sky-high. The fruit itself is swimming in thick syrup—so much of it, in fact, that high-fructose corn syrup (and other such sweeteners) often shows up on the ingredients list well before the fruit itself. And these low-quality refined carbohydrates are the last thing you want for breakfast—Australian researchers found that people whose diets were high in carbohydrates had lower metabolisms than those who ate proportionally more protein. Not to mention, spikes in your blood sugar can wreck your short-term memory, according to a study in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Not what you need just before your urgent 9 a.m. meeting with the boss!
Eat This Instead: Plain Greek-style yogurt, mixed with real blueberries. We like Oikos and Fage brands—they’re jacked with about 15 to 22 grams of belly-filling protein, so they’ll help you feel satisfied for longer. And blueberries are another great morning add—scientists in New Zealand found that when they fed blueberries to mice, the rodents ate 9 percent less at their next meal.
Bonus Tip: Daily e-mails (or tweets) that contain weight-loss advice remind you of your goals and help you drop pounds, according to Canadian researchers. We're partial to our own Eat This, Not That! newsletter, and to the instant weight-loss secrets you'll get when you follow me on Twitter (twitter.com/davezinczenko).
Pork bacon’s got a bad rap for wreaking havoc on your cholesterol. But is turkey bacon really any better?
The Truth: Stick with the pig. As far as calories go, the difference between “healthy” turkey bacon and “fatty” pig is negligible—and depending on the slice, turkey might sometimes tip the scales a touch more. Additionally, while turkey is indeed a leaner meat, turkey bacon isn’t made from 100 percent bird: One look at the ingredients list will show a long line of suspicious additives and extras that can’t possibly add anything of nutritional value. And finally, the sodium content of the turkey bacon is actually higher than what you’ll find in the kind that oinks—so if you’re worried about your blood pressure, opting for the original version is usually the smarter move.
Eat This Instead: Regular bacon. We like Hormel Black Label and Oscar Mayer Center Cut bacon for some low-cal, low-additive options.
Nothing makes a PB&J feel less indulgent like a scoop of low-fat Jif. It’s low fat, so it must be better for you . . . right?
The Truth: A tub of reduced-fat peanut butter indeed comes with a fraction less fat than the full-fat variety—they’re not lying about that. But what the food companies don’t tell you is that peanut oil—the fat in peanut butter—is a heart-healthy monounsaturated fat that can actually help fight weight gain, heart disease and diabetes! Instead, they’ve tried to cash in on the “low-fat” craze by replacing that healthy fat with maltodextrin, a carbohydrate used as a filler in many processed foods. This means you’re trading the healthy fat from peanuts for empty carbs, double the sugar, and a savings of a meager 10 calories.
Eat This Instead: The real stuff: no oils, fillers, or added sugars. Just peanuts and salt. Smucker’s Natural fits the bill, as do many other peanut butters out there. We especially like Peanut Butter & Co. Original Smooth Operator and Original Crunch Time.
Bonus Tip: The average American drinks 450 calories a day—a quarter of the calories you're supposed to consume during an entire day! Beware of The 20 Worst Drinks in America, 2010 Edition.
Monday, December 27, 2010
How the HCG Diet Works
As science and technology progresses, new methods of dieting and weight loss are developed. One diet, specifically for women, that was first suggested in the 1950s, has gained renewed prominence today as new methods of support, along with dietary and nutritional knowledge, makes it more viable. The diet is known as the
HCG diet is only effective when the two parts are combined. Taking HCG alone will not do the trick.
HCG is one of the hormones naturally released by pregnant women to prepare the body’s metabolism for pregnancy and the nutritional requirements of a baby. Introduction of the HCG hormone tricks a woman’s body into thinking it is pregnant. As a result, the body’s metabolism changes to pull more energy from internal storage, i.e. fat. Fat cells are mobilized for use as energy, causing weight to drop off at a rate of one to two pounds per day.
For the HCG diet to work, the introduction of the HCG hormone is used in conjunction with a special low-calorie diet that consists of only 500 calories per day. The
The 500-calorie diet that accompanies the HCG can come in two forms. The foods can be prepared and packaged beforehand, or you can be given instructions on what foods to eat, how much of them to eat, and how to prepare them. This allows you the option of buying fresh foods.
While the HCG allows your body to burn extra fat for your own use instead of for a baby, the 500-calorie diet provides enough essential nutrition to keep energy levels high during the diet. Over the course of the diet, the average weight loss is twenty pounds.HCG Diet and was developed by Dr. ATW Simeon at his clinic in Rome, Italy.
HCG diet is only effective when the two parts are combined. Taking HCG alone will not do the trick.
HCG is one of the hormones naturally released by pregnant women to prepare the body’s metabolism for pregnancy and the nutritional requirements of a baby. Introduction of the HCG hormone tricks a woman’s body into thinking it is pregnant. As a result, the body’s metabolism changes to pull more energy from internal storage, i.e. fat. Fat cells are mobilized for use as energy, causing weight to drop off at a rate of one to two pounds per day.
For the HCG diet to work, the introduction of the HCG hormone is used in conjunction with a special low-calorie diet that consists of only 500 calories per day. The
The 500-calorie diet that accompanies the HCG can come in two forms. The foods can be prepared and packaged beforehand, or you can be given instructions on what foods to eat, how much of them to eat, and how to prepare them. This allows you the option of buying fresh foods.
While the HCG allows your body to burn extra fat for your own use instead of for a baby, the 500-calorie diet provides enough essential nutrition to keep energy levels high during the diet. Over the course of the diet, the average weight loss is twenty pounds.HCG Diet and was developed by Dr. ATW Simeon at his clinic in Rome, Italy.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
10 Natural Tips for Beating the Cold
As some like to say, it’s cold season. And while it’s the close physical proximity of people rather than the temperature outside that causes illness, it nevertheless is the time of year we start to get sick. That said, it’s good gear up with some natural, safe, and commonsensical tips for beating the cold – if you get it, or when you get it.
5 for Defense
“Those who fail to prepare, prepare to fail.” Cliché? We think not. Preparation is crucial in doing anything correctly, whether it’s tackling an assignment at work or beating back germs. That said, the best way to not get a cold is to work hard on your defense.
Number 1. Hygiene
Easy enough – wash your hands. No, seriously, wash your hands! This is perhaps the most vital defense for colds. Because the majority of cold and flu viruses are transmitted person-to-person, your best bet is to make sure your own hands are clean. Wash them for 20-30 seconds under hot water with soap. Be sure to get both sides of the hands, too. Rinsing really doesn’t effectively clean, so don’t try to fool yourself.
Number 2. Strengthen your Immune System
Always be sure that – whether you’re sick or not – you’re eating healthy foods with a variety of natural colors (those correspond to different nutrients). Secondly, always avoid drinking heavily and smoking. These aren’t bad “once in a while” in moderation (don’t ever drink a full six-pack or smoke an entire box – it’s just overkill).
Number 3. Catch those ZZZ’s
A good way to make sure you are protecting yourself from infection is to always get enough sleep. Sleep is a crucial time for our bodies. While our minds don’t need to process new and unfamiliar information, the body uses that time to focus on fighting off those infections. That means that getting plenty of rest will give your body ample time to police its cells, even before you’re sick.
Number 4. Get some Exercise
Like avoiding smoking and making sure you’re eating right, exercising helps strengthen the immune system. On top of that, it will give you time to breathe in fresh air, stretch your muscles, and make your overall state of health higher than it was before.
Number 5. Quarantine
When you’re sick, don’t go to work or go out or share things with friends. If you do this, you increase the risk of spreading disease that may come back around and make you sick again. Also, it’s just common courtesy.
5 for Offense
As Aaron Glatt, president and CEO of New Island Hospital in New York and a spokesperson for the Infectious Diseases Society of America, says, “you’re going to get a cold anyway—it’s a question of how many.” This quote tells us two things: we can change the frequency of sickness, but without a doubt, we will get sick in life. That means we need the defense discussed above and a strong offense.
Number 6. Liquids
I think liquids should go right up on top because, from personal experience, is has some serious potential. Last time I got sick, I had a few bowls of miso soup, about seven cups of tea, and many, many glasses of water. Amazingly, this flushed my system out in a day. While it took about two days to fully recover, I felt better the next morning.
Here, the logic is plain: the body uses liquid as a medium to flush out our system. The more we flush, the better functioning and cleaner it will be. That said, drink up!
Number 7. Cut out the Sins
Some of these were discussed above, but should be reiterated. First, quit smoking (at least while you’re sick). This will worsen that sore throat of yours and is overall unhealthy anyways. Smoking also correlates with harsher, longer sicknesses. Secondly, don’t go out and party when you’re ill; it exposes germs to others, it isn’t good for your immune system that is already stressed, and doesn’t conserve the energy your body needs.
Number 8. Steam Power!
If you find yourself with a mucusy sore throat or stuffed nose, try sitting/standing above a boiling pot of water and breathing in the steam (or, if possible, go to a sauna). Most germs can’t live past high temperatures, and the steam also breaks up mucus. Plus, it’s very therapeutic. This makes steaming a great option for all sick people.
*Remember to be careful. You don’t want to feint or lose focus when over a pot of boiling water! If you’re a parent, just hold the little one and stay alert.
Number 9. Rest Up and De-stress
If you’ve gotten sick, try to add a few hours each night to sleep. This, like discussed above, gives your body the opportunity to recoup from the day’s wear and tear and protect your cells. Similarly, make sure you’re relaxing enough. Stress increases our propensity to getting ill and is overall bad for us. That said, combine this with the above tip: go on a weekday vacation to a spa with a sauna!
Number 10. Exercise, Take Vitamins – Maybe
Some data suggests exercising will help you feel better quicker, but exert yourself too much. The facts are blurry with this, and some argue that exercising will take away from getting better because your body will have to focus on rebuilding muscle rather than fighting infections.
The second “iffy” here is vitamins. It probably won’t hurt to take some daily vitamins, but your diet should always cover your nutrients. If you do end up taking a vitamin C supplement or a one-a-day, then be sure to remain hydrated (which you should always do anyways).
Beat that Cold
Employ the defense, ready the offense, and beat that cold. Hopefully, a full and committed run down of this list will not only better your chances at beating the cold, but also better your overall state of health!
Any success stories out there? Secret home remedies you’d like to share? Please comment below!
thanks to http://www.organicsoul.org/10-natural-tips-for-beating-the-cold/
5 for Defense
“Those who fail to prepare, prepare to fail.” Cliché? We think not. Preparation is crucial in doing anything correctly, whether it’s tackling an assignment at work or beating back germs. That said, the best way to not get a cold is to work hard on your defense.
Number 1. Hygiene
Easy enough – wash your hands. No, seriously, wash your hands! This is perhaps the most vital defense for colds. Because the majority of cold and flu viruses are transmitted person-to-person, your best bet is to make sure your own hands are clean. Wash them for 20-30 seconds under hot water with soap. Be sure to get both sides of the hands, too. Rinsing really doesn’t effectively clean, so don’t try to fool yourself.
Number 2. Strengthen your Immune System
Always be sure that – whether you’re sick or not – you’re eating healthy foods with a variety of natural colors (those correspond to different nutrients). Secondly, always avoid drinking heavily and smoking. These aren’t bad “once in a while” in moderation (don’t ever drink a full six-pack or smoke an entire box – it’s just overkill).
Number 3. Catch those ZZZ’s
A good way to make sure you are protecting yourself from infection is to always get enough sleep. Sleep is a crucial time for our bodies. While our minds don’t need to process new and unfamiliar information, the body uses that time to focus on fighting off those infections. That means that getting plenty of rest will give your body ample time to police its cells, even before you’re sick.
Number 4. Get some Exercise
Like avoiding smoking and making sure you’re eating right, exercising helps strengthen the immune system. On top of that, it will give you time to breathe in fresh air, stretch your muscles, and make your overall state of health higher than it was before.
Number 5. Quarantine
When you’re sick, don’t go to work or go out or share things with friends. If you do this, you increase the risk of spreading disease that may come back around and make you sick again. Also, it’s just common courtesy.
5 for Offense
As Aaron Glatt, president and CEO of New Island Hospital in New York and a spokesperson for the Infectious Diseases Society of America, says, “you’re going to get a cold anyway—it’s a question of how many.” This quote tells us two things: we can change the frequency of sickness, but without a doubt, we will get sick in life. That means we need the defense discussed above and a strong offense.
Number 6. Liquids
I think liquids should go right up on top because, from personal experience, is has some serious potential. Last time I got sick, I had a few bowls of miso soup, about seven cups of tea, and many, many glasses of water. Amazingly, this flushed my system out in a day. While it took about two days to fully recover, I felt better the next morning.
Here, the logic is plain: the body uses liquid as a medium to flush out our system. The more we flush, the better functioning and cleaner it will be. That said, drink up!
Number 7. Cut out the Sins
Some of these were discussed above, but should be reiterated. First, quit smoking (at least while you’re sick). This will worsen that sore throat of yours and is overall unhealthy anyways. Smoking also correlates with harsher, longer sicknesses. Secondly, don’t go out and party when you’re ill; it exposes germs to others, it isn’t good for your immune system that is already stressed, and doesn’t conserve the energy your body needs.
Number 8. Steam Power!
If you find yourself with a mucusy sore throat or stuffed nose, try sitting/standing above a boiling pot of water and breathing in the steam (or, if possible, go to a sauna). Most germs can’t live past high temperatures, and the steam also breaks up mucus. Plus, it’s very therapeutic. This makes steaming a great option for all sick people.
*Remember to be careful. You don’t want to feint or lose focus when over a pot of boiling water! If you’re a parent, just hold the little one and stay alert.
Number 9. Rest Up and De-stress
If you’ve gotten sick, try to add a few hours each night to sleep. This, like discussed above, gives your body the opportunity to recoup from the day’s wear and tear and protect your cells. Similarly, make sure you’re relaxing enough. Stress increases our propensity to getting ill and is overall bad for us. That said, combine this with the above tip: go on a weekday vacation to a spa with a sauna!
Number 10. Exercise, Take Vitamins – Maybe
Some data suggests exercising will help you feel better quicker, but exert yourself too much. The facts are blurry with this, and some argue that exercising will take away from getting better because your body will have to focus on rebuilding muscle rather than fighting infections.
The second “iffy” here is vitamins. It probably won’t hurt to take some daily vitamins, but your diet should always cover your nutrients. If you do end up taking a vitamin C supplement or a one-a-day, then be sure to remain hydrated (which you should always do anyways).
Beat that Cold
Employ the defense, ready the offense, and beat that cold. Hopefully, a full and committed run down of this list will not only better your chances at beating the cold, but also better your overall state of health!
Any success stories out there? Secret home remedies you’d like to share? Please comment below!
thanks to http://www.organicsoul.org/10-natural-tips-for-beating-the-cold/
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Holiday Survival 101
The holidays seem to come earlier and earlier every year -- and along with them, the stresses and strains of frenzied holiday shopping. Take a stroll through your local mall, and you'll already see symbols of the approaching holiday season -- from Thanksgiving and Christmas decorations to notices of blowout sales. As your muscles tense with each passing day, the American Chiropractic Association (ACA) asks, "Are you ready for the holiday shopping challenge?"
"Our bodies have the capacity to do a little more than we normally do," says Dr. Scott Bautch, past president of the ACA's Council on Occupational Health. "But our bodies do not adapt very well to doing a lot more than we normally do. Since the added demands of this season can stress the capacity of our bodies, we need to do everything we can to help ourselves. Eat right, drink plenty of water, stretch, exercise and take a few minutes to slow down and reflect on what the season is all about."
So relax and enjoy the holidays! Dr. Bautch and the ACA encourage you to consider the following tips to help keep you and your loved ones healthy, happy and safe this season.
Treat Holiday Shopping As An Athletic Event
Plan Frequent Breaks Into Your Shopping Day
Shopping With Children
Wrapping Your Gifts
Chiropractic Care Can Help
If you experience pain or discomfort as a result of holiday shopping, consider a visit to your doctor of chiropractic. Your doctor of chiropractic can help alleviate your pain naturally, so you can enjoy the holiday season as it was meant to be.
"Our bodies have the capacity to do a little more than we normally do," says Dr. Scott Bautch, past president of the ACA's Council on Occupational Health. "But our bodies do not adapt very well to doing a lot more than we normally do. Since the added demands of this season can stress the capacity of our bodies, we need to do everything we can to help ourselves. Eat right, drink plenty of water, stretch, exercise and take a few minutes to slow down and reflect on what the season is all about."
So relax and enjoy the holidays! Dr. Bautch and the ACA encourage you to consider the following tips to help keep you and your loved ones healthy, happy and safe this season.
Treat Holiday Shopping As An Athletic Event
- Stay hydrated! Drink eight to ten 8-ounce glasses of water a day. (Coffee, tea, soft drinks and alcohol are dehydrators. Don't substitute them for water.) On shopping days, you may need to drink even more water.
- Be sure to stretch before and after a long day of shopping. When you are stressed-out, your muscles are less flexible than usual.
- Wear shoes with plenty of cushioning in the soles to absorb the impact of walking on those hard shopping mall floors.
- Make sure your clothing is as comfortable as possible. It's a good idea to wear layers, because you may be going from a cold environment (outdoors) to a warm environment (indoors).
- Leave your purse at home. Wear a light fanny pack, or if necessary, a light backpack instead. Pack only those items that are absolutely essential (driver's license, credit card, etc.).
- If you start to feel some pain, nip it in the bud. Apply an ice bag to the affected area for 20 minutes, then take it off for a couple of hours. Repeat a couple of times each day over the next day or two.
Plan Frequent Breaks Into Your Shopping Day
- During a day of heavy shopping, most people should take a break every 45 minutes. Those with less stamina may even need to take breaks more frequently.
- If possible, obtain a locker. Lockers can help cut down dramatically on how much you have to carry around. You can take a load off by scheduling trips to your locker into your breaks.
- If your mall or shopping center doesn't offer lockers, try to plan trips to your car. Don't carry around more than is absolutely necessary at one time.
- When taking breaks, try to eat light foods. A salad and some fruit is a much better option than a burger and fries.
- Skip the coffee break! Coffee and sodas contain caffeine and sugar, which add even more stress to your body. Pass on the designer coffee at the java stand and keep drinking water.
Shopping With Children
- If at all possible, DO NOT bring children along on a holiday shopping trip. Most children simply do not have the stamina for such an event, and you and your child will only become frustrated with one another. Don't add this type of stress to an already stressful situation.
- Try to split "child duty" up with a spouse or another parent. They'll watch your kids while you shop, and vice-versa.
Wrapping Your Gifts
- Since there is no "ideal" position for wrapping gifts, the most important thing to remember is to vary your positions. For example, try standing at a table or countertop for one package, sitting on a bed for another, sitting in a comfortable chair for another, etc.
- Do not wrap packages while sitting on the floor. Wrapping packages while sitting on a hard floor can wreak havoc on your posture, and should be avoided.
- Always stretch before and after you wrap gifts.
Chiropractic Care Can Help
If you experience pain or discomfort as a result of holiday shopping, consider a visit to your doctor of chiropractic. Your doctor of chiropractic can help alleviate your pain naturally, so you can enjoy the holiday season as it was meant to be.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Social Media and Your Health
So many things have changed in a digital world around us within the past 10 years. To mention the most popular ones: iPhone, Ipad, Android, super slick computer monitors and digital TV monitors. In a last couple of years the development of 3G by AT&T and 4G by Sprint networks and super fast internet connections for home and business offices. Even cars come with build in GPS and XM radio. All of these advances in technology do not come at the cost of their consumers – human health.
Our gadgets get smaller, faster, cheaper and more multitasking machine every three months. Just imagine for a second you left your house without your cell phone. Immediate panic takes over. That was not the case a decade ago. Smart phones have certainly become an extension of our brain. In this fast pace world multitasking is the only thing that will help you to stay on top of things. We use these devices to send text messages, make phone calls, watch video on Youtube, use twitter to send a link to our followers, Facebook for keeping in touch with friends, millions use it for gaming purposes. It is not such a healthy thing to look at tiny screen for many hours up to the point when battery has no more life. I have seen people playing games in all kinds of positions, wonder how much pain they have in their neck or back. However, there is a great benefit from these devices as well. One can find a lot of information via different blog posts and get in touch with a health care provider via twitter or instant chat. Below are the links to several articles that you might find interesting from a famous Mashable site.
While the research showed that people who have chronic illness are less likely, on average, to have Internet access, once they’re online they are more likely to blog about chronic disease and participate in online discussions or other forums. According to the report, “Living with chronic disease is also associated, once someone is online, with a greater likelihood to access user-generated health content such as blog posts, hospital reviews, doctor reviews, and podcasts. These resources allow an internet user to dive deeply into a health topic, using the internet as a communications tool, not simply an information vending machine.” READ MORE …
Here are eight highly rated free and paid Android apps that will help you get and stay in shape. If you’ve got recommendations — particularly for apps that will help folks get outdoors while the weather’s nice — please let us know about them in the comments. READ MORE …
We are all well aware of the benefits of the social media age, but the challenge is finding a balance, and living a healthy and rich life both online and off. If we are not careful, our increasingly connected life can take a negative toll on our mind and body.
Below are four steps to go from a stressful social media life to a wise one, as well as the apps to help you do it. READ MORE …
Our gadgets get smaller, faster, cheaper and more multitasking machine every three months. Just imagine for a second you left your house without your cell phone. Immediate panic takes over. That was not the case a decade ago. Smart phones have certainly become an extension of our brain. In this fast pace world multitasking is the only thing that will help you to stay on top of things. We use these devices to send text messages, make phone calls, watch video on Youtube, use twitter to send a link to our followers, Facebook for keeping in touch with friends, millions use it for gaming purposes. It is not such a healthy thing to look at tiny screen for many hours up to the point when battery has no more life. I have seen people playing games in all kinds of positions, wonder how much pain they have in their neck or back. However, there is a great benefit from these devices as well. One can find a lot of information via different blog posts and get in touch with a health care provider via twitter or instant chat. Below are the links to several articles that you might find interesting from a famous Mashable site.
5 Important Tips for Better Eye Health in a Digital World
In attempting to sum up the world in 2010, one word comes to mind: connected. Everywhere we go we carry devices that keep us connected to something important to us. Be it a sleek new tablet letting you share photos with the person helping load your groceries, or a smart phone making sure you don’t miss that late night e-mail from a colleague; we are now constantly connected to the world around us, more than ever before. READ MORE …5 Ways Social Media Helps Promote Good Health
This March, a report on chronic disease and the Internet by the Pew Internet and American Life Project and the California HealthCare Foundation showed that people fighting such illnesses are using social media to find information and connect with others who suffer similar ailments.While the research showed that people who have chronic illness are less likely, on average, to have Internet access, once they’re online they are more likely to blog about chronic disease and participate in online discussions or other forums. According to the report, “Living with chronic disease is also associated, once someone is online, with a greater likelihood to access user-generated health content such as blog posts, hospital reviews, doctor reviews, and podcasts. These resources allow an internet user to dive deeply into a health topic, using the internet as a communications tool, not simply an information vending machine.” READ MORE …
8 Best Android Apps for Health and Fitness
Spring has sprung, summer’s around the corner — it’s time to get outside and get in shape. We know your iPhone-owning counterparts have plenty of apps for tracking their calories and kilometers to stay in shape, but there are plenty of health-related apps in the Android Market, too.Here are eight highly rated free and paid Android apps that will help you get and stay in shape. If you’ve got recommendations — particularly for apps that will help folks get outdoors while the weather’s nice — please let us know about them in the comments. READ MORE …
4 Tips for Reducing Social Media Stress
We used to only be digitally connected via computer for part of the day, but today’s hand-held devices enable a “constantly connected” lifestyle. This presents huge benefits, and its share of challenges. An important question to ask yourself is: Are you going to be constantly overwhelmed by “Stress 2.0,” or can you successfully translate this lifestyle into “Wisdom 2.0?”We are all well aware of the benefits of the social media age, but the challenge is finding a balance, and living a healthy and rich life both online and off. If we are not careful, our increasingly connected life can take a negative toll on our mind and body.
Below are four steps to go from a stressful social media life to a wise one, as well as the apps to help you do it. READ MORE …
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Toys For Tots Donations being accepted now at Nordquist Chiropractic!
At Nordquist Chiropractic, we care about our commmuity. We are now collection donations of new, unwrapped toys ($20 value) for less fortunate children through the month of December. As a thank you, you will recieve a complimentary adjustment.
Our address is:
9909 168th St Ct E Puyallup, Wa 98375.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Thursday, November 11, 2010
HCG diet Really Works!
Start Your Own Weight Loss Success Story Now
Ebony Gates's photos, weekly description of weight loss success story.
Carmen's photos and daily weight loss success story description.
Ebony Gates's photos, weekly description of weight loss success story.
Ebony is very young teen and she loss 30 pounds in 3 weeks. She describes about how HCG increased her confidence and how she got it! Losing 26 pounds in 3 weeks! That motivated me to continue for 42 days on HCG maintenance diet. At the end, I lost a total of 30 pounds. Something I've never been able to achieve with other diets. So, when I see a fat body walking around, I just tell him "I was exactly like you 21 days ago but I found a solution."
Carmen's photos and daily weight loss success story description.
I am Hispanic and 50 years old. Since my child hood I have been a skinny woman. Throughout the years started to gain extra weight. Especially after I enter 50 years of age where I increased 15 pounds above my normal 145 pounds. This mean, that after weighing 120 pounds it was growing up to 145 pounds. An extra 25 pounds. I have been trying to release weight with diets like the cabbage diet and even eating less. Nevertheless, the maximum I had dropped is 5 pounds. But, after a certain time I get them back again. This kept me frustrated all the time. Most of the fat is accumulated within my legs, belly and the back. I started the hCG sublingual diet for women on Thursday June 4, 2009. I have found my belly going down. What a satisfaction! My waist has been reduced by 2 inches. Clothes are hanging by now. Interestingly, work's friend have seen it and commenting about me getting skinnier without even mentioning I am on a diet. What really makes me happy is, my waist is turning into a new form and contours are showing better. Indeed, there is more waist definition! So far, after the second week of the phase 1 oral sublingual 21 day diet journey I have found the hCG hormones effects are positively good. I have lost 10 pounds already. Within such a short period of time I wouldn't have done like this with the other diets I tried before.
So, my recommendation for you is to get into the rave and do not less the river pass behind you. Prepare yourself to tell your own weight loss success story.
What is that you need to do? Contact us at Nordquist Chiropractic (253) 445-3000 or NordquistChiropractic.com to determine eligibility and if you qualify for the HCG diet. Then, proceed to order the HCG diet of your choice whether phase 1 HCG, phase 2 HCG maintenance or the whole-complete HCG weight loss diet. We provide diet instructions, weekly check-ins and monitoring, and recipe ideas to support you in your journey to lose weight and keep it off.Thursday, November 4, 2010
Fibromyalgia and Chiropractic Care
Is the pain of fibromyalgia getting you down? Are you having trouble dealing with persistent backaches, leg cramps, and foot pain? If so, then
What is Chiropractic Care?
Though often termed an alternative treatment, chiropractic care is now becoming more accepted by the mainstream medical community. Almost 20% of American men and women have used the services of a
Chiropractic care is based on the theory that illness and pain are caused by misalignments in your skeletal structure. It sees the body as a connected system, which relies on your bones, joints, muscles, ligaments, and tendons to keep it functioning efficiently. When your skeletal structure is sound, your body should feel healthy and happy. But if parts of your skeleton are slightly off balance, it could cause serious problems, like chronic pain.
Chiropractors aim to solve pain and related symptoms by correcting the imbalances in your skeletal structure. Through a series of techniques, including stretches, adjustments, and manipulations, your chiropractor will restore your skeletal balance, thereby eliminating any pain symptoms.
Chiropractic Care and Fibromyalgia
Upper Cervical Spinal Stenosis
How Effective is Chiropractic Care in Fibromyalgia Patients?
Numerous studies have been conducted analyzing the benefits of chiropractic care in fibromyalgia patients. A 1985 study asked 81 fibromyalgia patients to indicate drug or alternative treatments that best relieved their pain. Chiropractic care treatment scored surprisingly high in this study. Another study examined the effectiveness of spinal manipulation in relieving fibromyalgia symptoms. After just 15 treatments, fibromyalgia patients suffered from less pain and
Many fibromyalgia patients suffer from a condition called upper cervical spinal stenosis. This causes the coverings of the upper spine, known as meninges, to become compressed. This can cause severe, debilitating pain all over the body. Chiropractors can adjust the head and neck so the spine is no longer compressed, helping to relieve the widespread
Recently, fibromyalgia patients have been seeking chiropractic care increasingly often. Because fibromyalgia causes numerous tender points all over the body, many fibromyalgia patients suffer from back pain, neck pain, and leg cramps. In an attempt to solve these problems, many sufferers have looked to chiropractors. Because simple adjustments to the neck and spine can restore the carriage of the whole body, a lot of fibromyalgia sufferers find that alignments of the spine can significantly reduce pain all over their bodies.chiropractic care at Nordquist Chiropractic may be just the thing for you. Chiropractic care is becoming increasingly popular among fibromyalgia sufferers because of the pain and stress relief that it offers. It can often provide relief in short periods of time and help you to get back to enjoying life fast. This article will outline the basics of chiropractic care and help you to decide if it could be an effective treatment for you. chiropractor at some point in their lives. 80% of those who use chiropractors report significant pain relief, better functioning, and an increased sense of wellbeing. But what theories are chiropractic care based on and what exactly does a chiropractor do?pain symptoms of fibromyalgia. fatigue, and actually enjoyed better sleep quality.
What is Chiropractic Care?
Though often termed an alternative treatment, chiropractic care is now becoming more accepted by the mainstream medical community. Almost 20% of American men and women have used the services of a
Chiropractic care is based on the theory that illness and pain are caused by misalignments in your skeletal structure. It sees the body as a connected system, which relies on your bones, joints, muscles, ligaments, and tendons to keep it functioning efficiently. When your skeletal structure is sound, your body should feel healthy and happy. But if parts of your skeleton are slightly off balance, it could cause serious problems, like chronic pain.
Chiropractors aim to solve pain and related symptoms by correcting the imbalances in your skeletal structure. Through a series of techniques, including stretches, adjustments, and manipulations, your chiropractor will restore your skeletal balance, thereby eliminating any pain symptoms.
Chiropractic Care and Fibromyalgia
Upper Cervical Spinal Stenosis
How Effective is Chiropractic Care in Fibromyalgia Patients?
Numerous studies have been conducted analyzing the benefits of chiropractic care in fibromyalgia patients. A 1985 study asked 81 fibromyalgia patients to indicate drug or alternative treatments that best relieved their pain. Chiropractic care treatment scored surprisingly high in this study. Another study examined the effectiveness of spinal manipulation in relieving fibromyalgia symptoms. After just 15 treatments, fibromyalgia patients suffered from less pain and
Many fibromyalgia patients suffer from a condition called upper cervical spinal stenosis. This causes the coverings of the upper spine, known as meninges, to become compressed. This can cause severe, debilitating pain all over the body. Chiropractors can adjust the head and neck so the spine is no longer compressed, helping to relieve the widespread
Recently, fibromyalgia patients have been seeking chiropractic care increasingly often. Because fibromyalgia causes numerous tender points all over the body, many fibromyalgia patients suffer from back pain, neck pain, and leg cramps. In an attempt to solve these problems, many sufferers have looked to chiropractors. Because simple adjustments to the neck and spine can restore the carriage of the whole body, a lot of fibromyalgia sufferers find that alignments of the spine can significantly reduce pain all over their bodies.chiropractic care at Nordquist Chiropractic may be just the thing for you. Chiropractic care is becoming increasingly popular among fibromyalgia sufferers because of the pain and stress relief that it offers. It can often provide relief in short periods of time and help you to get back to enjoying life fast. This article will outline the basics of chiropractic care and help you to decide if it could be an effective treatment for you. chiropractor at some point in their lives. 80% of those who use chiropractors report significant pain relief, better functioning, and an increased sense of wellbeing. But what theories are chiropractic care based on and what exactly does a chiropractor do?pain symptoms of fibromyalgia. fatigue, and actually enjoyed better sleep quality.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Seasonal Affective Disorder — How to Deal with the “Winter Woes” Naturally
What is Seasonal Affective Disorder?
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a mood disorder in which persons with normal mental health experience depressive symptoms during the winter months. A diagnosis of SAD requires that the person experience the depressive symptoms year after year, not just for one winter or part of one winter. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) classifies SAD as a “specifier of major depression,” not a unique disorder.
What are the Symptoms of SAD?
Symptoms of SAD include difficulty waking up in the morning, tendency to oversleep as well as to overeat (especially a craving for carbohydrates), a lack of energy, difficulty concentrating on completing tasks, and withdrawal from friends, family, and social activities. These symptoms lead to the depression, pessimism, and lack of pleasure which characterize a person suffering from this disorder.
What are the causes of SAD?
1. Disruption of Circadian Rhythms: The reduced level of sunlight in fall and winter may disrupt your body’s internal clock, which lets you know when you should sleep or be awake. This disruption of your circadian rhythm may lead to feelings of depression. This cause is exacerbated the further one lives from the equator (meaning that periods of darkness are longer).
2. Melatonin levels. The change in seasons can disrupt the balance of the natural hormone melatonin, which plays a role in sleep patterns and mood.
3. Serotonin levels. A drop in serotonin, a brain chemical (neurotransmitter) that affects mood, might play a role in seasonal affective disorder. Reduced sunlight can cause a drop in serotonin, perhaps leading to depression.
Natural Ways to Fight SAD:
1. Get Outside During Daylight Hours: Most people with a traditional work schedule wind up arriving to work and departing work when it is dark outside during shorter winter days. To fight SAD, try to take a walk during lunchtime, spend some time in a park, or just attempt to sit near a window. Even if it is overcast, the ultraviolet B light in sunlight will still penetrate the clouds and increase your vitamin D levels. Make time on the weekends for outdoor activities.
2. Exercise Regularly: Exercise helps relieve stress and anxiety, both of which can increase seasonal affective disorder symptoms.
3. Make Your Home and Work Environment Brighter and Sunnier: Open blinds, trim trees that block windows, and attempt to sit near windows as you work or rest.
4. Use St. John’s Wort: this herb has traditionally been used to treat a variety of problems, including depression.
5. Omega-3 fatty acids: Omega-3 fatty acid supplements have been shown to relieve depression symptoms in some studies. Sources of omega-3s include fatty, cold-water fish, such as salmon, mackerel and herring. Flaxseed, flax oil and walnuts also contain omega-3 fatty acids, and small amounts are found in soybean and canola oils.
6. Socialize: Make efforts to see friends and colleagues often.
7. Take a Trip: A vacation to a sun-drenched location like the desert Southwest of America or a tropical beach will give you a large dose of the sunlight you’ve been missing.
8. Get Enough Sleep, But Don’t Sleep Too Much: Not sleeping enough will hurt your immune system and exacerbate symptoms of depression, but too much sleep will also lead to more depression. Develop a sleep schedule that allows you to get at least six, but preferably eight or nine hours of sleep per day.
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a mood disorder in which persons with normal mental health experience depressive symptoms during the winter months. A diagnosis of SAD requires that the person experience the depressive symptoms year after year, not just for one winter or part of one winter. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) classifies SAD as a “specifier of major depression,” not a unique disorder.
What are the Symptoms of SAD?
Symptoms of SAD include difficulty waking up in the morning, tendency to oversleep as well as to overeat (especially a craving for carbohydrates), a lack of energy, difficulty concentrating on completing tasks, and withdrawal from friends, family, and social activities. These symptoms lead to the depression, pessimism, and lack of pleasure which characterize a person suffering from this disorder.
What are the causes of SAD?
1. Disruption of Circadian Rhythms: The reduced level of sunlight in fall and winter may disrupt your body’s internal clock, which lets you know when you should sleep or be awake. This disruption of your circadian rhythm may lead to feelings of depression. This cause is exacerbated the further one lives from the equator (meaning that periods of darkness are longer).
2. Melatonin levels. The change in seasons can disrupt the balance of the natural hormone melatonin, which plays a role in sleep patterns and mood.
3. Serotonin levels. A drop in serotonin, a brain chemical (neurotransmitter) that affects mood, might play a role in seasonal affective disorder. Reduced sunlight can cause a drop in serotonin, perhaps leading to depression.
Natural Ways to Fight SAD:
1. Get Outside During Daylight Hours: Most people with a traditional work schedule wind up arriving to work and departing work when it is dark outside during shorter winter days. To fight SAD, try to take a walk during lunchtime, spend some time in a park, or just attempt to sit near a window. Even if it is overcast, the ultraviolet B light in sunlight will still penetrate the clouds and increase your vitamin D levels. Make time on the weekends for outdoor activities.
2. Exercise Regularly: Exercise helps relieve stress and anxiety, both of which can increase seasonal affective disorder symptoms.
3. Make Your Home and Work Environment Brighter and Sunnier: Open blinds, trim trees that block windows, and attempt to sit near windows as you work or rest.
4. Use St. John’s Wort: this herb has traditionally been used to treat a variety of problems, including depression.
5. Omega-3 fatty acids: Omega-3 fatty acid supplements have been shown to relieve depression symptoms in some studies. Sources of omega-3s include fatty, cold-water fish, such as salmon, mackerel and herring. Flaxseed, flax oil and walnuts also contain omega-3 fatty acids, and small amounts are found in soybean and canola oils.
6. Socialize: Make efforts to see friends and colleagues often.
7. Take a Trip: A vacation to a sun-drenched location like the desert Southwest of America or a tropical beach will give you a large dose of the sunlight you’ve been missing.
8. Get Enough Sleep, But Don’t Sleep Too Much: Not sleeping enough will hurt your immune system and exacerbate symptoms of depression, but too much sleep will also lead to more depression. Develop a sleep schedule that allows you to get at least six, but preferably eight or nine hours of sleep per day.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Massage at Nordquist Chiropractic
Swedish Massage
Deep Tissue
Deep pressure to specific trigger points of the body relieves stress and tension, stimulates energy, and allows the natural flow of oxygen to the blood. This treatment is therapeutic and energizing, as well as relaxing. An intense massage recommended for those who have had massage before.
Sports Massage
Deep stroking methods plus special stretching movements specific to your sport soothe and invigorate muscles before or after sports activity. Helpful with injury prevention, rehabilitation, and flexibility. Therapeutic and energizing.
Maternity Massage
Honor the miracle and address the hard work of carrying a baby with a special treatment for a special woman. This massage uses a side-lying position for total comfort at all stages of pregnancy, and benefits the discomforts of upper back, hips, and legs.
Using classic European massage techniques, this full body massage will stimulate circulation, improve skin and muscle tone, relieve tension, and soothe tired muscles. This is the ultimate massage for relaxation and increased circulation.
Deep Tissue
Deep pressure to specific trigger points of the body relieves stress and tension, stimulates energy, and allows the natural flow of oxygen to the blood. This treatment is therapeutic and energizing, as well as relaxing. An intense massage recommended for those who have had massage before.
Sports Massage
Deep stroking methods plus special stretching movements specific to your sport soothe and invigorate muscles before or after sports activity. Helpful with injury prevention, rehabilitation, and flexibility. Therapeutic and energizing.
Maternity Massage
Honor the miracle and address the hard work of carrying a baby with a special treatment for a special woman. This massage uses a side-lying position for total comfort at all stages of pregnancy, and benefits the discomforts of upper back, hips, and legs.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Monday, October 11, 2010
Pet Food Drive at Nordquist Chiropractic
We've decided to participate in a PET FOOD DRIVE for the Puyallup Food Bank.
New Patients- recieve complimentary consult, exam, and X-rays with a minimum donation of one bag of pet food.
Existing Patients- recieve a complimentary adjustment wih a minimum donation of one bag of pet food.
New Patients- recieve complimentary consult, exam, and X-rays with a minimum donation of one bag of pet food.
Existing Patients- recieve a complimentary adjustment wih a minimum donation of one bag of pet food.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Headache and Migrane help is here! at Nordquist Chiropractic
Does your Head feel like This?
Let us help relieve the pain!
It’s Headache Month at
Nordquist Chiropractic. Call us this month and receive X-rays, an examination, and consultation for only $20 (a $250 value). (253) 445-3000
...If it's not you who has headaches, pass the info along to a friend or family member who could benefit from this.
Let us help relieve the pain!
It’s Headache Month at
Nordquist Chiropractic. Call us this month and receive X-rays, an examination, and consultation for only $20 (a $250 value). (253) 445-3000
...If it's not you who has headaches, pass the info along to a friend or family member who could benefit from this.
Migranes and Chiropractic
Even with medical treatment you may still find yourself banging your head against the wall from persistent Migraine attacks. Many Migraineurs find themselves turning to complementary or "alternative" treatments out of frustration when they are having limited success with prescription drugs and other approved medical treatments. The following section will introduce you to some non-pharmaceutical therapies. These treatments offer many of us additional relief, but are NOT an excuse to abandoned approved medical care. Rather they will offer you an opportunity to gain more control over you Migraine disease management. They will work better if integrated into your overall care, and you should always advise your attending physician of every non-drug treatment you are trying. Keep in mind even so-called natural remedies are drugs too, and some can effective other prescription drugs you may be on Migraine or other illnesses you also suffer from. In addition, OTC or herbal/vitamins can sometimes cause serious illness or interfere with prescription drug effectiveness.
A number of non-pharmacological approaches are sometimes used to relieve headache and/or Migraine pain. These alternative methods may help to reduce or relieve headache pain, but usually do not treat all of the Migraine associated symptoms. They are often used along with attack-abortive or preventive measures. Examples include:
Chiropractic methods employ a holistic approach to pain relief through massage, spinal manipulation and periodic adjustment of joints and soft tissue. Although many who suffer from Migraine fail to find relief with chiropractic treatment, some have quite positive results. Therefore we feel you should explore all non-drug option with an open mind. If you enjoy positive results, stick with it, and if not—move on!
We have noted several studies that also show promise. Take a look at the follow example:
One hundred and twenty-seven Migraine patients (at least one Migraine per month) were divided into two groups for comparison. Group 1 received chiropractic adjustments at specific vertebral subluxations determined by the treating practitioner; group 2 served as controls and received inactive treatment (electrical stimulation with no current delivered). Subjects receiving chiropractic adjustments reported substantial improvement in Migraine frequency, duration, disability, and medication use following two months of treatment. One in five participants reported a 90% reduction in Migraines, and half reported significant improvement in Migraine severity.
Are you tired of Migraine headaches ruining your day? With conventional over-the-counter medications proving less than effective (and often accompanied by dangerous side effects), it’s time to fight the pain from another angle. To find out more about the potential benefits of chiropractic care, schedule an appointment with Dr. Nordquist at (253) 445-3000.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Treatment of Auto Accident Claims
“The threshold for cervical spine soft tissue injury becomes a reality at 5 mph”
“The amount of damage to the automobile bears little relation to the force applied to the cervical spine of the occupants” - Charles Carroll MD, Paul McAtee MD, and Lee Riley MD
Nordquist Chiropractic specializes in the handling of your auto injury case. We make it simple for you to access the care that you need, especially when you may be in pain and discomfort after an auto accident.
Dr. Nordquist has years of experience in the handling of auto accident claims.
In addition to providing the medical care you need, we provide our patients with information such as: how personal injury cases are handled, whether you may need an attorney to represent you, what you can expect from the insurance adjusters, and what is a reasonable settlement for your case. If you have an attorney, we will work closely with their firm, or if you need a referral to an attorney, our office can provide a list of reputable personal injury attorneys that our office has worked with for the past several years.
If you have been injured in an auto accident, don’t wait to seek medical evaluation even if you feel you may have no injuries. Often injuries do not show up until days or weeks after an accident. A thorough chiropractic evaluation is essential to your health especially after an injury.
Signs and Symptoms you may have suffered a whiplash after a motor vehicle accident: Neck pain or stiffness, Headaches, Fatigue, Shoulder pain, Anxiety, Mid or lower back pain, blurred vision, dizziness, limb pain, ringing in the ears, irritability.
Chiropractic Therapy (to Maintain Proper Structure and Alignment)
Massage Therapy (to Reduce Muscle Tension / Scar Tissue)
Physical Rehabilitation (to Strengthen Structure to avoid future re-occurrence)
Quick Facts:
Most state mandatory liability insurance law (Personal Injury Protection) provides those people who have suffered from injuries in an automobile accident a minimum of $10,000 per person for reasonable and necessary expenses one year after an automobile crash, for Chiropractic, Medical, Dental and other services needed due to the crash.
“The amount of damage to the automobile bears little relation to the force applied to the cervical spine of the occupants” - Charles Carroll MD, Paul McAtee MD, and Lee Riley MD
Nordquist Chiropractic specializes in the handling of your auto injury case. We make it simple for you to access the care that you need, especially when you may be in pain and discomfort after an auto accident.
Dr. Nordquist has years of experience in the handling of auto accident claims.
In addition to providing the medical care you need, we provide our patients with information such as: how personal injury cases are handled, whether you may need an attorney to represent you, what you can expect from the insurance adjusters, and what is a reasonable settlement for your case. If you have an attorney, we will work closely with their firm, or if you need a referral to an attorney, our office can provide a list of reputable personal injury attorneys that our office has worked with for the past several years.
If you have been injured in an auto accident, don’t wait to seek medical evaluation even if you feel you may have no injuries. Often injuries do not show up until days or weeks after an accident. A thorough chiropractic evaluation is essential to your health especially after an injury.
Signs and Symptoms you may have suffered a whiplash after a motor vehicle accident: Neck pain or stiffness, Headaches, Fatigue, Shoulder pain, Anxiety, Mid or lower back pain, blurred vision, dizziness, limb pain, ringing in the ears, irritability.
Chiropractic Therapy (to Maintain Proper Structure and Alignment)
Massage Therapy (to Reduce Muscle Tension / Scar Tissue)
Physical Rehabilitation (to Strengthen Structure to avoid future re-occurrence)
Quick Facts:
Most state mandatory liability insurance law (Personal Injury Protection) provides those people who have suffered from injuries in an automobile accident a minimum of $10,000 per person for reasonable and necessary expenses one year after an automobile crash, for Chiropractic, Medical, Dental and other services needed due to the crash.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
What is Chiropractic and what does it do?
What is Chiropractic?
According to The Association of Chiropractic Colleges, "Chiropractic is a health care discipline which emphasizes the inherent recuperative power of the body to heal itself without the use of drugs and surgery. The practice of chiropractic focuses on the relationship between structure (primarily the spine) and function (as coordinated by the nervous system) and how that relationship affects the preservation and restoration of health."The Goal of Chiropractic
Because chiropractic treatments are primarily applied to the spinal region, many individuals incorrectly assume that chiropractors treat only back and neck ailments. While we do quickly and effectively eliminate back and neck pain, it's not the only goal. The objective is to restore and optimize human health. In fact, according to a statement from The Association of Chiropractic Colleges, "The purpose of chiropractic is to optimize health."How Chiropractic Works
You may be wondering... how can the same chiropractic treatment which effectively treats my back pain also optimize my health? The answer can be found by looking into the relationship between the spine and the nervous system.As you may already know, the nervous system is the master controller of all living cells, tissues and organs; orchestrating and coordinating all cellular functions. The spinal column encases the nervous system (spinal cord and nerve roots) and is responsible for its protection.
Because of this intimate relationship, biomechanical and structural problems in the spinal column can irritate parts of the enclosed nervous system. This irritation can result from noxious inflammatory biochemicals released during tissue injury or may result from direct mechanical pressure. In either case, the functioning of the nervous system is negatively influenced as is the functioning of the cells, tissues and organs which are supplied by the affected nerve(s).
The resulting ailment(s) depends on the cells, tissues and organs affected as well as the extent of nervous system compromise.
In short, because the body's innate recuperative powers are affected by and integrated through the nervous system, correcting spinal abnormalities which irritate the nervous system can lead to a number of favorable results in patients suffering from various, seemingly non-spinal health conditions.
What Chiropractors Do
Practically speaking, chiropractors are primarily concerned with locating and treating vertebral subluxations.A vertebral subluxation is a complex of functional and/or structural and/or pathological articular (joint) changes that compromise neural integrity and may influence organ system function and general health.
Using a number of unique and highly refined skills, the chiropractor checks the patient's spine for any misalignments, fixations or other abnormalities (vertebral subluxations). If subluxations or other abnormalities are detected, the chiropractor will generally apply a gentle force in a corrective manner to the affected spinal area.
Chiropractors use many specialized techniques to identify and treat these spinal abnormalities and optimize overall health. In addition to spinal adjustive techniques, soft tissue techniques such as massage, dietary and nutritional counseling, physical therapies, and lifestyle modification programs are commonly employed.
How Chiropractic Differs
There is a significant and very important difference between the way chiropractors and medical doctors approach health ailments.When evaluating and treating patients, chiropractors take a holistic approach which includes identifying and correcting the cause(s) of the patient's health ailment. In contrast, the medical approach tends to focus more on the treating the symptoms of a condition rather than focusing primarily on the actual cause(s).
Chiropractors believe that correcting the cause of the problem provides significant long-term benefits over only treating the symptoms.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
HCG diet at Nordquist Chiropractic in Puyallup.
"The weight is over!"
Let Nordquist Chiropractic help you!
You are about to embark on a wonderful journey that will make you smile and jump for joy. It's time to conquer your weight issues once and for all! The HCG program is real and it works. No smooth talk, no slick advertising, and no exaggerated claims of success. The HCG program produces results that are typical in the majority of individuals.HCG stands for human chorionic gonadotropin. It is a hormone that is produced in large quantities in pregnancy. (Both men and women have male and female hormones, so this program is just as successful for men!)
HCG is responsible for making the abnormal fat reserves of the body available to be burned as fuel. In pregnancy it is used to protect the nutritional health of the growing baby; however, in conjunction with this program, it is used to rid the body of the abnormal fat deposits. Rest assured that the HCG helps to stave off any hunger pangs that a restricted diet may cause. With the introduction of HCG, thousands of extra calories begin to flood the system from the abnormal fat being metabolized. For this reason, HCG diets are easier to stick to than a traditional healthy diet that simply restricts calories. When a program is easy to stick to, success is the end result!
It's Your Life... Live it in Health!
Dr. Jon Nordquist
Your Puyallup Chiropractor | Nordquist Chiropractic | 253-445-3000
you can also view informational videos on our website by following the link below:
See Nordquist Chiropractic at the Puyallup Fair!
We are sharing a booth with an alliance of chiropractors from all around the area. Dr. Nordquist will be there both Saturday and Sunday, so come see us. We are in the Showplex in the middle of the fairgrounds (near the concert arena). We are offering a great fair special; $20 holds your reservation for exam, X-rays, and consultation and is refunded when you come into the office for your appointment.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
The Weight Loss Cure is Here!
"The weight is over!"
Let Nordquist Chiropractic help you!
You are about to embark on a wonderful journey that will make you smile and jump for joy. It's time to conquer your weight issues once and for all! The HCG program is real and it works. No smooth talk, no slick advertising, and no exaggerated claims of success. The HCG program produces results that are typical in the majority of individuals.HCG stands for human chorionic gonadotropin. It is a hormone that is produced in large quantities in pregnancy. (Both men and women have male and female hormones, so this program is just as successful for men!)
HCG is responsible for making the abnormal fat reserves of the body available to be burned as fuel. In pregnancy it is used to protect the nutritional health of the growing baby; however, in conjunction with this program, it is used to rid the body of the abnormal fat deposits. Rest assured that the HCG helps to stave off any hunger pangs that a restricted diet may cause. With the introduction of HCG, thousands of extra calories begin to flood the system from the abnormal fat being metabolized. For this reason, HCG diets are easier to stick to than a traditional healthy diet that simply restricts calories. When a program is easy to stick to, success is the end result!
It's Your Life... Live it in Health!
Dr. Jon Nordquist
Your Puyallup Chiropractor | Nordquist Chiropractic | 253-445-3000
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Health Resources- Chiropractic, Wellness, Fitness, and more
The following resources have been assembled to provide you with more chiropractic wellness care information available on the internet.
Chiropractic Directory
Chiropractic Organizations
Wellness Coaching
Wellness for Kids
Exercise and Nutrition
Fitness Centers
Thought and Meditation
Life Coach
Chiropractic Directory
Chiropractic Organizations
Wellness Coaching
Wellness for Kids
Exercise and Nutrition
Fitness Centers
Thought and Meditation
Life Coach
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Effects of Chiropractic Care
Wellness requires you to be a proactive agent for your body. You need to treat it well and not wait until you hurt before you decide to take care of it. As we've said before health is not merely the absence of disease any more than wealth is an absence of poverty. Let’s remember health is not simply “feeling fine,” for we know that problems may progress for years without causing any symptoms whatsoever. As you know by now, heart disease for example, often develops unnoticed for many years before it strikes: in fact, the first symptom of heart disease that many people experience is a heart attack or death.
Now let us be clear that we are not under the illusion that everyone who creates a wellness lifestyle will be immune from pain, sickness, and disease. There are many people who do everything right and still get sick and die. Some will argue that there are many people who do everything wrong and live long, seemingly healthy lives. However, since we have no way to predict who is who, we have to do our very best to reduce our risk and promote our health.
Over the years in private practice, we have seen how neglecting their health has drained people of thousands of dollars, sometimes to the point of bankruptcy. We have seen people who have saved up and waited their entire lives to take a dream trip or to send their kids to college, whose savings and dreams were siphoned away to pay for health care expenses. We have seen people with work injuries like carpal tunnel syndrome or neck/back pain who have been unable to work, unable to drive, and even unable to sleep without pain. We have seen family members whose entire lives become dominated by the necessity to care for another family member who is sick or in pain. The effects of long-term illness or disability on a family can be devastating; in many cases, it happens to families who are already over-stressed, under-loved, and emotionally maxed out.
On the other hand, We have seen people who have been unemployed due to their pain or health condition choose to adopt new healthy habits: within a short period of time they are back at work making money, taking care of themselves and their families again, and are able to put away savings for their retirement.
We have heard every excuse you can imagine as to why people believe they can’t afford the time or money to invest in their health. But the truth is that you must invest in your health today, or disease may bankrupt you in every way later. If you don’t have the time and money to improve your health while you feel good, what makes you think you will have the time and money to improve your health once you have lost it? As Anthony Robbins once said, "you can make time for wellness now or you can make time for sickness later." The choice is yours.
With regards to your wellness, the three main ideas that we really want to drive home . . .
1.Health is not merely the absence of disease.
2.The body has an innate intelligence that runs a series of complex systems that rely on proper balance and coordination in order to function correctly.
3.By living a wellness lifestyle you can enrich your life with vibrant health.
Now let us be clear that we are not under the illusion that everyone who creates a wellness lifestyle will be immune from pain, sickness, and disease. There are many people who do everything right and still get sick and die. Some will argue that there are many people who do everything wrong and live long, seemingly healthy lives. However, since we have no way to predict who is who, we have to do our very best to reduce our risk and promote our health.
Over the years in private practice, we have seen how neglecting their health has drained people of thousands of dollars, sometimes to the point of bankruptcy. We have seen people who have saved up and waited their entire lives to take a dream trip or to send their kids to college, whose savings and dreams were siphoned away to pay for health care expenses. We have seen people with work injuries like carpal tunnel syndrome or neck/back pain who have been unable to work, unable to drive, and even unable to sleep without pain. We have seen family members whose entire lives become dominated by the necessity to care for another family member who is sick or in pain. The effects of long-term illness or disability on a family can be devastating; in many cases, it happens to families who are already over-stressed, under-loved, and emotionally maxed out.
On the other hand, We have seen people who have been unemployed due to their pain or health condition choose to adopt new healthy habits: within a short period of time they are back at work making money, taking care of themselves and their families again, and are able to put away savings for their retirement.
We have heard every excuse you can imagine as to why people believe they can’t afford the time or money to invest in their health. But the truth is that you must invest in your health today, or disease may bankrupt you in every way later. If you don’t have the time and money to improve your health while you feel good, what makes you think you will have the time and money to improve your health once you have lost it? As Anthony Robbins once said, "you can make time for wellness now or you can make time for sickness later." The choice is yours.
With regards to your wellness, the three main ideas that we really want to drive home . . .
1.Health is not merely the absence of disease.
2.The body has an innate intelligence that runs a series of complex systems that rely on proper balance and coordination in order to function correctly.
3.By living a wellness lifestyle you can enrich your life with vibrant health.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
The Story of Chiropractic
The word "chiropractic" comes from the Greek words cheir (hand) and praxis (action) and literally means "done by hand." Instead of prescribing drugs or performing surgeries, chiropractors use manual treatments of the spine and joints, exercise therapy, massage, trigger point therapy and lifestyle changes to allow the body's natural state of health to fully express itself.
Like conventional medicine, chiropractic is based upon scientific principles of diagnosis through testing and empirical observations. Treatment is based upon the practitioner's rigorous training and clinical experience. Unlike conventional medicine, which focuses on attempting to treat disease once it occurs, chiropractic attempts to improve the health of the individual in an effort to avoid illness in the first place. Most people would rather be healthy and avoid illness, if they could. This is one of the main reasons for the big upsurge in the popularity of chiropractic. People are recognizing the benefit of seeking an alternative to traditional medicine; one that will help them achieve and maintain optimal health.
Chiropractors understand that one of the main causes of pain and disease is the misalignment and abnormal motion of the vertebrae in the spinal column called a subluxation. Chiropractic works by removing these subluxations in the spine, thereby relieving pressure and irritation on the nerves, restoring joint mobility, and returning the body back to a state of normal function.
Numerous studies have demonstrated that chiropractic care is one of the most effective treatments for back pain, neck pain, headaches, whiplash, sports injuries and many other types of musculoskeletal problems. It has even been shown to be effective in reducing high blood pressure, decreasing the frequency of childhood ear infections and improving the symptoms of asthma.
The chiropractic approach to healthcare is holistic, meaning that it addresses your overall health. It recognizes that many lifestyle factors such as exercise, diet, rest and environment impact your health. For this reason, chiropractors recommend changes in lifestyle' eating, exercise, and sleeping habits in addition to chiropractic care.
What truly differentiates doctors of chiropractic from any other healthcare professionals is the fact that chiropractors are the only professionals who are trained to diagnose and treat what are called spinal subluxations. The word 'subluxation' comes from the Latin words meaning 'to dislocate' (luxare) and 'somewhat or slightly' (sub). So the term 'vertebral subluxation' literally means a slight dislocation (misalignment) of the bones in the spine. Although this term was adequate in the 1800s when much was still misunderstood about the human body, today the word 'subluxation' has changed in meaning to capture the complex of neurological, structural and functional changes that occur when a bone is 'out of place.' For this reason chiropractors usually refer to subluxations of the spine as the "Vertebral Subluxation Complex", or "VSC" for short.
Chiropractors have known the dangers of the vertebral subluxation complex ever since the birth of the profession. More and more scientific research is demonstrating the tremendous detrimental impact that subluxation have on the tissue of the body. In order to be truly healthy, it is vital that your nervous system be functioning free of interference from subluxations. Chiropractors are the only health professionals trained in the detection, location, and correction of the vertebral subluxation complex through chiropractic care.
The chiropractic adjustment is a quick thrust applied to a vertebra for the purpose of correcting its position, movement or both. Adjustments are often accompanied by an audible release of gas that sounds like a 'crack.' The sound sometimes shocks people a little bit the first couple times they get adjusted, but the sensation is usually relieving. Occasionally, minor discomfort is experienced, especially if the surrounding muscles are in spasm or the patient tenses up during the chiropractic procedure. There are times when the audible 'cracking' does not occur. This is often due to either significant muscle tightness or that the patient may be having a hard time relaxing during their adjustments.
Chiropractic is so much more than simply a means of relieving pain. Ultimately, the goal of the chiropractic treatment is to restore the body to its natural state of optimal health. In order to accomplish this, I use a variety of treatment methods, including manual adjustments, massage, trigger point therapy, nutrition, exercise rehabilitation, massage, as well as counseling on lifestyle issues that impact your health. Since the body has a remarkable ability to heal itself and to maintain its own health, the primary focus is simply to remove those things which interfere with the body's normal healing ability.
Like conventional medicine, chiropractic is based upon scientific principles of diagnosis through testing and empirical observations. Treatment is based upon the practitioner's rigorous training and clinical experience. Unlike conventional medicine, which focuses on attempting to treat disease once it occurs, chiropractic attempts to improve the health of the individual in an effort to avoid illness in the first place. Most people would rather be healthy and avoid illness, if they could. This is one of the main reasons for the big upsurge in the popularity of chiropractic. People are recognizing the benefit of seeking an alternative to traditional medicine; one that will help them achieve and maintain optimal health.
Chiropractors understand that one of the main causes of pain and disease is the misalignment and abnormal motion of the vertebrae in the spinal column called a subluxation. Chiropractic works by removing these subluxations in the spine, thereby relieving pressure and irritation on the nerves, restoring joint mobility, and returning the body back to a state of normal function.
Numerous studies have demonstrated that chiropractic care is one of the most effective treatments for back pain, neck pain, headaches, whiplash, sports injuries and many other types of musculoskeletal problems. It has even been shown to be effective in reducing high blood pressure, decreasing the frequency of childhood ear infections and improving the symptoms of asthma.
The chiropractic approach to healthcare is holistic, meaning that it addresses your overall health. It recognizes that many lifestyle factors such as exercise, diet, rest and environment impact your health. For this reason, chiropractors recommend changes in lifestyle' eating, exercise, and sleeping habits in addition to chiropractic care.
What truly differentiates doctors of chiropractic from any other healthcare professionals is the fact that chiropractors are the only professionals who are trained to diagnose and treat what are called spinal subluxations. The word 'subluxation' comes from the Latin words meaning 'to dislocate' (luxare) and 'somewhat or slightly' (sub). So the term 'vertebral subluxation' literally means a slight dislocation (misalignment) of the bones in the spine. Although this term was adequate in the 1800s when much was still misunderstood about the human body, today the word 'subluxation' has changed in meaning to capture the complex of neurological, structural and functional changes that occur when a bone is 'out of place.' For this reason chiropractors usually refer to subluxations of the spine as the "Vertebral Subluxation Complex", or "VSC" for short.
Chiropractors have known the dangers of the vertebral subluxation complex ever since the birth of the profession. More and more scientific research is demonstrating the tremendous detrimental impact that subluxation have on the tissue of the body. In order to be truly healthy, it is vital that your nervous system be functioning free of interference from subluxations. Chiropractors are the only health professionals trained in the detection, location, and correction of the vertebral subluxation complex through chiropractic care.
The chiropractic adjustment is a quick thrust applied to a vertebra for the purpose of correcting its position, movement or both. Adjustments are often accompanied by an audible release of gas that sounds like a 'crack.' The sound sometimes shocks people a little bit the first couple times they get adjusted, but the sensation is usually relieving. Occasionally, minor discomfort is experienced, especially if the surrounding muscles are in spasm or the patient tenses up during the chiropractic procedure. There are times when the audible 'cracking' does not occur. This is often due to either significant muscle tightness or that the patient may be having a hard time relaxing during their adjustments.
Chiropractic is so much more than simply a means of relieving pain. Ultimately, the goal of the chiropractic treatment is to restore the body to its natural state of optimal health. In order to accomplish this, I use a variety of treatment methods, including manual adjustments, massage, trigger point therapy, nutrition, exercise rehabilitation, massage, as well as counseling on lifestyle issues that impact your health. Since the body has a remarkable ability to heal itself and to maintain its own health, the primary focus is simply to remove those things which interfere with the body's normal healing ability.
Chiropractic Myths & Facts
As successful as chiropractic has become, there are a lot of myths circulating among the general public. Times have definitely changed for the better, but the fact is that many people still do not understand what chiropractors do. Let's talk about a few of the more common myths about chiropractic.
Myth #1 - Chiropractors are not real doctors.
A chiropractic college grants a D.C. or Doctorate of Chiropractic degree. Chiropractors are licensed as health care providers in every U.S. state and dozens of countries around the world. While the competition for acceptance in chiropractic school is not as fierce as medical school, the chiropractic and medical school curricula are extremely rigorous and virtually identical. In fact, chiropractors have more hours of classroom education than their medical counterparts. As part of their education, chiropractic students also complete a residency working with real patients in a clinical setting, supervised by licensed doctors of chiropractic. Once chiropractic students graduate, they have to pass four sets of national board exams as well as state board exams in the states where they want to practice.
Just like medical doctors, chiropractors are professionals that are subject to the same type of testing procedures, licensing and monitoring by state and national peer-reviewed boards. Federal and state programs, such as Medicare, Medicaid, and Workers' Compensations programs cover chiropractic care, and all federal agencies accept sick-leave certificates signed by doctors of chiropractic. Chiropractors are also commissioned as officers in the military.
The biggest difference between chiropractors and medical doctors lies not in their level of education, but in their preferred method of caring for people. Medical doctors are trained in the use of medicines (chemicals that affect your internal biochemistry) and surgery. Consequently, if you have a chemical problem, such as diabetes, hypothyroidism, or an infection, medical doctors can be very helpful. However, if your problem is that your spine is mis-aligned or you have soft tissue damage causing pain, there is no chemical in existence that can fix it. You need a physical solution to correct a physical problem. That is where chiropractic really shines. Chiropractors provide physical solutions -- adjustments, exercises, stretches, muscle therapy -- to help the body heal from conditions that are physical in origin, such as back pain, muscle spasms, headaches, and poor posture. Another distinction is the fact that it is completely appropriate to receive chiropractic care even if you do not have symptoms. Unlike standard medical doctors, whom you visit when you have a symptom to be treated, chiropractors offer adjustments to improve spinal alignment and overall well-being before symptoms develop.
Myth #2 - Medical doctors don't like chiropractors.
The American Medical Association's opposition to chiropractic was at its strongest in the 1940s under the leadership of Morris Fishbein. Fishbein called chiropractors "rabid dogs" and referred to them as "playful and cute, but killers" He tried to portray chiropractors as members of an unscientific cult who cared about nothing but taking their patients' money. Up to the late 1970s and early 1980s, the medical establishment purposely conspired to try to destroy the profession of chiropractic. In fact, a landmark lawsuit in the Supreme Court of Illinois in the 1980s found that the American Medical Association was guilty of conspiracy and was ordered to pay restitution to the chiropractic profession.
In the 20 years since, the opinion of most medical doctors has changed: several major studies have shown the superiority of chiropractic in helping people with a host of conditions, and medical doctors developed a better understanding as to what chiropractors actually do. Many people have returned to their medical doctors and told them about the great results they experienced at their chiropractors office. Hospitals across the country now have chiropractors on staff, and many chiropractic offices have medical doctors on staff. Chiropractors and medical doctors are now much more comfortable working together in cases where medical care is necessary as an adjunct to chiropractic care.
Myth #3 - Once you start going to a chiropractor, you have to keep going for the rest of your life.
This statement comes up frequently when the topic of chiropractic is discussed. It is only partially true. You only have to continue going to the chiropractor as long as you wish to maintain the health of your neuromusculoskeletal system. Going to a chiropractor is much like going to the dentist, exercising at a gym, or eating a healthy diet: As long as you keep it up, you continue to enjoy the benefits.
Many years ago, dentists convinced everyone that the best time to go to the dentist is before your teeth hurt, that routine dental care will help your teeth remain healthy for a long time. The same is true of chiropractic care for your spine. It is important to remember that, just like your teeth, your spine experiences normal wear and tear as you walk, drive, sit, lift, sleep, and bend. Routine chiropractic care can help you feel better, move with more freedom, and stay healthier throughout your lifetime. Although you can enjoy the benefits of chiropractic care even if you receive care for a short time, the real benefits come into play when you make chiropractic care a part of your wellness lifestyle.
Myth #1 - Chiropractors are not real doctors.
A chiropractic college grants a D.C. or Doctorate of Chiropractic degree. Chiropractors are licensed as health care providers in every U.S. state and dozens of countries around the world. While the competition for acceptance in chiropractic school is not as fierce as medical school, the chiropractic and medical school curricula are extremely rigorous and virtually identical. In fact, chiropractors have more hours of classroom education than their medical counterparts. As part of their education, chiropractic students also complete a residency working with real patients in a clinical setting, supervised by licensed doctors of chiropractic. Once chiropractic students graduate, they have to pass four sets of national board exams as well as state board exams in the states where they want to practice.
Just like medical doctors, chiropractors are professionals that are subject to the same type of testing procedures, licensing and monitoring by state and national peer-reviewed boards. Federal and state programs, such as Medicare, Medicaid, and Workers' Compensations programs cover chiropractic care, and all federal agencies accept sick-leave certificates signed by doctors of chiropractic. Chiropractors are also commissioned as officers in the military.
The biggest difference between chiropractors and medical doctors lies not in their level of education, but in their preferred method of caring for people. Medical doctors are trained in the use of medicines (chemicals that affect your internal biochemistry) and surgery. Consequently, if you have a chemical problem, such as diabetes, hypothyroidism, or an infection, medical doctors can be very helpful. However, if your problem is that your spine is mis-aligned or you have soft tissue damage causing pain, there is no chemical in existence that can fix it. You need a physical solution to correct a physical problem. That is where chiropractic really shines. Chiropractors provide physical solutions -- adjustments, exercises, stretches, muscle therapy -- to help the body heal from conditions that are physical in origin, such as back pain, muscle spasms, headaches, and poor posture. Another distinction is the fact that it is completely appropriate to receive chiropractic care even if you do not have symptoms. Unlike standard medical doctors, whom you visit when you have a symptom to be treated, chiropractors offer adjustments to improve spinal alignment and overall well-being before symptoms develop.
Myth #2 - Medical doctors don't like chiropractors.
The American Medical Association's opposition to chiropractic was at its strongest in the 1940s under the leadership of Morris Fishbein. Fishbein called chiropractors "rabid dogs" and referred to them as "playful and cute, but killers" He tried to portray chiropractors as members of an unscientific cult who cared about nothing but taking their patients' money. Up to the late 1970s and early 1980s, the medical establishment purposely conspired to try to destroy the profession of chiropractic. In fact, a landmark lawsuit in the Supreme Court of Illinois in the 1980s found that the American Medical Association was guilty of conspiracy and was ordered to pay restitution to the chiropractic profession.
In the 20 years since, the opinion of most medical doctors has changed: several major studies have shown the superiority of chiropractic in helping people with a host of conditions, and medical doctors developed a better understanding as to what chiropractors actually do. Many people have returned to their medical doctors and told them about the great results they experienced at their chiropractors office. Hospitals across the country now have chiropractors on staff, and many chiropractic offices have medical doctors on staff. Chiropractors and medical doctors are now much more comfortable working together in cases where medical care is necessary as an adjunct to chiropractic care.
Myth #3 - Once you start going to a chiropractor, you have to keep going for the rest of your life.
This statement comes up frequently when the topic of chiropractic is discussed. It is only partially true. You only have to continue going to the chiropractor as long as you wish to maintain the health of your neuromusculoskeletal system. Going to a chiropractor is much like going to the dentist, exercising at a gym, or eating a healthy diet: As long as you keep it up, you continue to enjoy the benefits.
Many years ago, dentists convinced everyone that the best time to go to the dentist is before your teeth hurt, that routine dental care will help your teeth remain healthy for a long time. The same is true of chiropractic care for your spine. It is important to remember that, just like your teeth, your spine experiences normal wear and tear as you walk, drive, sit, lift, sleep, and bend. Routine chiropractic care can help you feel better, move with more freedom, and stay healthier throughout your lifetime. Although you can enjoy the benefits of chiropractic care even if you receive care for a short time, the real benefits come into play when you make chiropractic care a part of your wellness lifestyle.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Wellness vs. Medical Care at Nordquist Family Chiropractic
Wellness vs. Medical Care
When the body heals and maintains itself well, there is another level of health that goes beyond “asymptomatic” or “pain-free” which reveals an opportunity for vitality.
What’s the main difference between wellness care and standard medical care? Wellness care seeks to turn on the natural healing ability, not by adding something to the system, but by removing anything that might interfere with normal function, trusting that the body would know what to do if nothing were interfering with it. Standard medical care, on the other hand, seeks to treat a symptom by adding something from the outside – a medication, a surgery or procedure.
Inside Out vs. Outside In
If a patient has high blood pressure, a standard medical approach would be to choose a drug that lowers blood pressure, and ask the patient to take the drug. This may serve to lower the blood pressure, but ignores the underlying cause that is making the blood pressure high, and runs the risk of side effects complicating the person’s recovery. Whether it’s a nutritional issue, faulty control by the nerve system or a manifestation of stress, the medication could decrease the blood pressure, leaving the problem causing the symptom of high blood pressure unaddressed.
The Wellness Approach
Wellness is a state of optimal conditions for normal function… and then some. The wellness approach is to look for underlying causes of any disturbance or disruption (which may or may not be causing symptoms at the time) and make whatever interventions and lifestyle adjustments would optimize the conditions for normal function. That environment encourages natural healing, and minimizes the need for invasive treatment, which should be administered only when absolutely necessary. When the body is working properly, it tends to heal effectively, no matter what the condition. When the body heals well and maintains itself well, then there is another level of health that goes beyond “asymptomatic” or “pain-free” which reveals an open-ended opportunity for vitality, vibrant health, and an enhanced experience of life.This is true for mental and emotional health as well as physical health. While some people may suffer psychological disorders, creating an atmosphere of mental and emotional wellness will address all but the most serious problems.
When the body heals and maintains itself well, there is another level of health that goes beyond “asymptomatic” or “pain-free” which reveals an opportunity for vitality.
What’s the main difference between wellness care and standard medical care? Wellness care seeks to turn on the natural healing ability, not by adding something to the system, but by removing anything that might interfere with normal function, trusting that the body would know what to do if nothing were interfering with it. Standard medical care, on the other hand, seeks to treat a symptom by adding something from the outside – a medication, a surgery or procedure.
Inside Out vs. Outside In
If a patient has high blood pressure, a standard medical approach would be to choose a drug that lowers blood pressure, and ask the patient to take the drug. This may serve to lower the blood pressure, but ignores the underlying cause that is making the blood pressure high, and runs the risk of side effects complicating the person’s recovery. Whether it’s a nutritional issue, faulty control by the nerve system or a manifestation of stress, the medication could decrease the blood pressure, leaving the problem causing the symptom of high blood pressure unaddressed.
The Wellness Approach
Wellness is a state of optimal conditions for normal function… and then some. The wellness approach is to look for underlying causes of any disturbance or disruption (which may or may not be causing symptoms at the time) and make whatever interventions and lifestyle adjustments would optimize the conditions for normal function. That environment encourages natural healing, and minimizes the need for invasive treatment, which should be administered only when absolutely necessary. When the body is working properly, it tends to heal effectively, no matter what the condition. When the body heals well and maintains itself well, then there is another level of health that goes beyond “asymptomatic” or “pain-free” which reveals an open-ended opportunity for vitality, vibrant health, and an enhanced experience of life.This is true for mental and emotional health as well as physical health. While some people may suffer psychological disorders, creating an atmosphere of mental and emotional wellness will address all but the most serious problems.
Monday, August 16, 2010
The Graham Fair!
Here is an article by the News Tribune on the Pierce County Fair in Graham that Nordquist Chiropractic had a booth at with free massage and free spinal exams. Check out our pics on facebook.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
What to Expect at Nordquist Chiropractic
Patient Forms
Upon entering our office, our receptionist will welcome you as a member of our family. We will request that you complete our patient forms located in the New Patient Center. This paperwork provides us with your health history and information on your condition.
Next, you will have a consultation with Dr. Jon Nordquist to discuss your health-related problems, concerns, and potential treatment options. This initial visit is designed for Dr. Jon Nordquist to learn more about you, your condition, and expectations to determine how chiropractic care can meet your goals.
After your consultation, Dr. Jon Nordquist will perform a complete chiropractic examination testing your reflexes and flexibility. Other standard neurological, orthopedic, postural, and physical tests will be performed as well. However, nothing will be done in our office without your consent.
X-Ray Studies
Depending on your specific condition, we may take X-rays as well. X-rays help us develop the most effective treatment plan for you, and alert us of any serious spinal conditions. Most people are amazed once they see their X-rays up close. In some cases, they can even identify their misalignments and degeneration themselves.
Report of Findings
Once the information is collected and examinations are performed, Dr. Jon Nordquist will give you a detailed report of all findings and answer any questions including:
1.How can you help me?
2.How often do I need to come in?
3.What will my treatment cost?
After reviewing your health history, goals, and examining your spine and X-rays, Dr. Jon Nordquist will discuss recommendations and notify you if your condition requires care with other providers. Dr. Jon Nordquist will provide the best treatment and wellness program for your needs.
At the conclusion of this initial appointment, you can choose to experience your first treatment. This may include spinal adjustments, physical therapy, and/or soft tissue massage. Treatment is interactive, so you can express concerns about the different styles of treatment anytime.
Wellness Program
Prior to leaving, the doctor will suggest a wellness program to incorporate outside of treatment. If you are in pain when you first come into our office this may include: ice or heat application instructions, certain activities or positions to avoid, and at home exercises and/or stretches. If you desire, our wellness team will work with you also to create healthy habits and routines for your lifestyle. Every person is unique, therefore everyone requires a customized wellness plan. The purpose of our wellness program is for you to achieve good spinal alignment, have a healthy diet, exercise, and maintain a positive mental state.
Upon entering our office, our receptionist will welcome you as a member of our family. We will request that you complete our patient forms located in the New Patient Center. This paperwork provides us with your health history and information on your condition.
Next, you will have a consultation with Dr. Jon Nordquist to discuss your health-related problems, concerns, and potential treatment options. This initial visit is designed for Dr. Jon Nordquist to learn more about you, your condition, and expectations to determine how chiropractic care can meet your goals.
After your consultation, Dr. Jon Nordquist will perform a complete chiropractic examination testing your reflexes and flexibility. Other standard neurological, orthopedic, postural, and physical tests will be performed as well. However, nothing will be done in our office without your consent.
X-Ray Studies
Depending on your specific condition, we may take X-rays as well. X-rays help us develop the most effective treatment plan for you, and alert us of any serious spinal conditions. Most people are amazed once they see their X-rays up close. In some cases, they can even identify their misalignments and degeneration themselves.
Report of Findings
Once the information is collected and examinations are performed, Dr. Jon Nordquist will give you a detailed report of all findings and answer any questions including:
1.How can you help me?
2.How often do I need to come in?
3.What will my treatment cost?
After reviewing your health history, goals, and examining your spine and X-rays, Dr. Jon Nordquist will discuss recommendations and notify you if your condition requires care with other providers. Dr. Jon Nordquist will provide the best treatment and wellness program for your needs.
At the conclusion of this initial appointment, you can choose to experience your first treatment. This may include spinal adjustments, physical therapy, and/or soft tissue massage. Treatment is interactive, so you can express concerns about the different styles of treatment anytime.
Wellness Program
Prior to leaving, the doctor will suggest a wellness program to incorporate outside of treatment. If you are in pain when you first come into our office this may include: ice or heat application instructions, certain activities or positions to avoid, and at home exercises and/or stretches. If you desire, our wellness team will work with you also to create healthy habits and routines for your lifestyle. Every person is unique, therefore everyone requires a customized wellness plan. The purpose of our wellness program is for you to achieve good spinal alignment, have a healthy diet, exercise, and maintain a positive mental state.
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